
Click on a session title below to see individual session descriptions and speaker details. Or, click here to view the entire Enterprise Search & Discovery 2019 program.

Monday, November 4, 2019
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
  • W1: KM 101
  • Are you new to knowledge management? Want to learn about all the possibilities for making your organization smarter, more collaborative, innovative, and productive? Join our expert knowledge manager to gain insights and ideas for building a robust KM program in your organization—even if it is called by another name! This workshop highlights a range of potential enterprise KM activities being used in real organizations and shares how these activities are impacting the bottom line. It shows real KM practices and discusses various tools and techniques to give those new to KM a vision of what is possible in the enterprise.

    Stan Garfield, Author of six KM books & Founder, SIKM Leaders Community
  • W2: Text Analytics 101
  • Text analytics is becoming essential in any field that tries to utilize unstructured text, and yet confusion remains distinguishing it from text mining, the type of applications that can be built with text analytics, and best practices. This workshop, based on the speaker’s recent book, covers the entire field of text analytics including these points:

    • The core capabilities of text mining, entity and fact extraction, auto-categorization, and sentiment analysis
    • The advanced techniques of machine and deep learning and how text analytics can make AI smarter
    • How to make the business case and how to set up the right people and content resources
    • An evaluation process to select the right text analytics software for your organization
    • An iterative development process that combines entity and fact extraction with categorization and sentiment analysis to add depth and intelligence to all the components
    • The range of types of applications that can be built with text analytics, from search to business intelligence to new uses of social media and AI

    The workshop utilizes exercises in auto-categorization, data extraction, machine learning, and sentiment analysis to deepen the participants’ appreciation for the practical process of building text analytics applications and, at the same time, exemplifies some of the key theoretical issues.

    Tom Reamy, Chief Knowledge Architect & Founder, KAPS Group
  • W3: Building a Governance Model for Organizational Knowledge
  • The volume of human knowledge is growing. But machine knowledge is growing even faster. And the accelerated pace of both is taxing the limits of traditional KM. Machine learning platforms are valuable tools for discovering hidden patterns and trends. But they often provide little or no insight into how new knowledge is generated, or when a model or algorithm is no longer valid. All of this greatly increases risk. Consider how many of your business decisions are automated, how many business rules your organization has, and if they are current and still valid. You may need to start incorporating knowledge governance into your organization Join our popular speaker and get a road map for implementing a top-level governance model, including how to measure results and make adjustments along the way. Get the seven major facets of knowledge governance, how to align them with overall corporate governance, and most importantly, how to evaluate the range of possible social impacts, both positive and negative. Get a sneak preview of what’s coming, including the emerging technologies you’ll need to be closely watching, and how those technologies will place even greater demand on having a sound knowledge governance model in-place.

    Art Murray, CEO, Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc.
  • W4: Increasing Digital Fluencies & Knowledge Sharing
  • You’ve perhaps heard it before: We implemented enterprise social networking but now how do we get people to really use it? Or: We’ve got such a talented workforce—why aren’t people sharing their knowledge more? Our longtime KM advocates answer these questions. They bring collaboration and knowledge tools and processes together in ways that empowers people’s digital fluencies and practice so they can collaborate and work more effectively in rapidly changing contexts and diverse global teams. They know that employees are more willing to collaborate when they have built relationships with the others and they have creative ways to make those relationships happen! Get lots of techniques, insights, and ideas from this workshop to immediately put into practice in your organization.

    Catherine Shinners, Principal & Founder, Merced Group
  • Nancy Dixon, Principal & Founder, Common Knowledge Associates
  • W5: Mastering Internal & External Knowledge Transfer
  • Expert knowledge is difficult to capture and transfer effectively, because it involves deeply embedded skills that an expert may not be consciously aware of using and may not understand how to share. The challenge this poses is how to capture and transfer that knowledge among co-workers and external partners who need to work together on critical, high-stakes projects. Without effective knowledge transfer strategies, these valuable lessons learned and best practices are often lost. This knowledge is essential to the success of the mission, especially in emergency situations such as responses to natural disaster events that are time-critical. This master class-style workshop is based on case studies of more than 200 top-level executives, engineers, and scientists at Fortune 500 companies, the military, and multiple government agencies. It discusses knowledge transfer and flow strategies and focuses on the challenges you bring from your organization. The workshop combines the power of an SME along with skilled colleagues from other organizations to offer effective processes for enhancing knowledge flow at all levels of organizations, both internally and externally. By working through your challenges, this workshop covers the impact of internal versus external parties on knowledge transfer, as well as maintaining knowledge flow when organizations are geographically dispersed. Best practices and tools are shared for capturing key knowledge, analyzing and documenting that knowledge, and multiple methods to transfer that key knowledge.

    Holly C. Baxter, Chief Scientist & CEO, Strategic Knowledge Solutions
  • W6: Storytelling: Tips, Techniques, & KM Impact
  • Humans connect through stories, find meaning in stories and remember stories far better than data. Steve Jobs once said: “The most powerful person in the world is the story teller. The storyteller sets the vision, values, and agenda of an entire generation that is to come.” And Steve Denning, in his book The Leader’s Guide to Storytelling, provides a guide to different types of organizational storytelling, tying the ancient practice of sharing through stories to today’s business world. Although most KM professionals know about the power of stories in organizations, many KM programs don’t include teaching the art of telling a story or conduct storytelling workshops. This workshop highlights the ways that TechnipFMC is using storytelling in its KM program and walks participants through several fun storytelling activities. Get a heightened awareness of the power of stories and the ability to run storytelling activities in your organization! Enjoy “story-listening,” as other KM practitioners tell their own tales. Come tell us your story!

    Kim Glover, Director, TechnipFMC
  • Tamara Viles, Knowledge Management Program Manager, TechnipFMC
  • W7: Fundamentals of Enterprise Search
  • This workshop covers the entire enterprise search solution lifecycle including the most important concepts of enterprise search and priorities for successful solution implementations. How is data getting indexed in search in a secure away, honoring access control lists? On the UI side, the workshop looks at the fabric of modern search interfaces going far beyond the list of search results and a few filters; it considers deep integrations into intranet portals and business applications. Vogt also covers the search experience management, relevancy optimization, and how this continuous effort ensures success of your users and hence search solution adoption. He outlines how AI can, in practice, be leveraged to augment the search experience. Throughout the workshop, Vogt presents real-world scenarios and explains the underlying implementation and reasoning behind, uses live demos to illustrate the capabilities of both open source-based and commercial search engines, e.g., Google Cloud Search or Microsoft SharePoint and SharePoint Online. This interactive workshop focuses on the aspects which are most valuable for the specific audience and aims at diving deep discussions on how their use cases could be implemented.

    Vasko Panovski, Senior Consultant & Project Manager, Raytion GmbH
  • Benjamin Braasch, Project Manager, Raytion GmbH
  • W8: AI 101 for KM
  • This exciting and interactive workshop discusses what you need to know to get ready for the future that is already here. It discusses the different kinds of AI and their use cases, looks at some cool tools, and talks about how you would choose a vendor and or tool to work in your organization and KM program.

    Gordon Vala-Webb, CEO, Vala-Webb Consulting Inc.
  • W9: Techniques for Navigating Complexity
  • This engaging workshop by one of the leading practitioners of complexity theory and solutions discusses practical techniques to create conditions to enable novel emergent solutions to wicked and intractable problems. It introduces a complex approach to design thinking, a non-linear approach, a next generation approach design thinking. Get new ways to support innovation in your organization and generate ideas with a focus on solutions to unarticulated problems. Snowden shares the latest version of Cynefin, a sense-making framework used globally to create a contextual approach to decision support. Better decision in shorter time frames making full use of our resources and networks.

    Dave Snowden, Founder & Chief Scientist, The Cynefin Company
  • W10: Search Vendor Landscape: Market & Capabilities [Canceled]
  • W11: Knowledge Automation With Office 365 & SharePoint
  • With Outlook, OneDrive, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, SharePoint, Microsoft Teams, Yammer, and more in the Microsoft Office suite, you have a tremendous technology ecosystem to help automate many aspects of your knowledge management strategy. Learn how to take advantage of the many features and benefits in Office 365, including design options, workflows, designing taxonomies users actually want to use and the latest tips and tricks, to propel your knowledge management program forward to ensure your success! Get lots of tips and good practices from our experienced experts!

    Daniel Lee, Director, ARC Business Solutions Inc.
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
  • W12: KM Strategy
  • This workshop, by a KM pioneer and popular KMWorld speaker, focuses on how to build a successful KM strategy and revitalize knowledge sharing within your organization. Dave Snowden, our engaging workshop leader, takes participants through a step-by-step approach to rethink the role of the KM function within an organization. It includes creating a decision/information flow map to understand the natural flows of knowledge; defining micro-projects that directly link to the decision support needs of senior executives; mapping the current flow paths for knowledge within the organization; and finding natural ways to manage the knowledge of the aging workforce as well as the IT-enabled apprenticeship. Using real-world examples, Snowden shares winning strategies and insights to rejuvenate your knowledge-sharing practices. Always fresh and filled with interesting stories, this workshop continues to stand out with our audience!

    Dave Snowden, Founder & Chief Scientist, The Cynefin Company
  • W13: Enterprise Functionality, Adoption, & Business Benefit With 365 [CANCELLED]
  • W14: Building & Curating E-Bodies of Knowledge
  • Knowledge doesn’t manage itself. No matter how far AI evolves, knowledge, whether human or digital, will always need human curation. Knowledge curation is one of the least-understood aspects of KM. Yet given the accelerated growth of both explicit and hidden knowledge, especially in large datasets, knowledge curation is more critical than ever. There is no shortage of tools and techniques for building knowledgebases and repositories, yet this question remains: “How do I design, build, and maintain a body of knowledge that’s easily accessible to me and others?” This workshop helps you to gain an understanding of the three main pillars of knowledge curation: 1) knowledge capture and transfer; 2) governance, including roles and responsibilities, assurance, performance monitoring, and incentives; and 3) architecture, including the tools, platforms, and processes for putting it all together. Some key elements include how to determine what knowledge is worth capturing and in what form; reconcile different world views, mental models, and learning modalities, especially among mentors and mentees; determine which tools and approaches are appropriate for different types of knowledge; integrate the various tools and approaches into a single system; vet knowledge and keep it up-to-date; and make knowledge flow and grow, from a single individual to an entire community of experts and practitioners. Join our experienced KM expert and take home an initial plan for setting up and implementing a world-class knowledge curation program for your organization.

    Art Murray, CEO, Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc.
  • W15: Office 365 Search: Facilitating Digital Collaboration
  • Microsoft Office 365 offers a rich portfolio for building intranet and department sites, employee and team communication, and social collaboration. A centerpiece of Office 365 is the Microsoft Graph and SharePoint Online search. Both allow for not only finding documents but also for easily building rich business applications—applications that actually facilitate collaboration by bringing the most relevant context-dependent content to knowledge workers. This workshop develops the most important search use cases in collaborative environments, describes how they can be implemented with the search provided by Microsoft, and looks at how you can solve your business requirements within Office 365 by combining search with, e.g., Microsoft Flow. Options are presented to integrate search into a cloud-intranet portal or service support desk bot, allowing the most out of your investment. This workshop is use-case-driven and looks at the larger context of the Office 365 collaboration landscape and, of course, its technical architecture.

    Benjamin Braasch, Project Manager, Raytion GmbH
  • Vasko Panovski, Senior Consultant & Project Manager, Raytion GmbH
  • W16: KM & Innovation
  • In the minds of many people, KM is about the past—best practices, lessons learned, organizational memory, etc.—while innovation is about the future—brainstorming new ideas, new product development, prototyping, etc. But one doesn’t do KM for the sake of KM! KM is done with strategic intent, and among many options that could lead to (better/more effective) innovation, of course. Innovation doesn’t happen in a vacuum: Incremental innovation is building on (knowledge of) existing products and services, and even radical innovation needs (knowledge of) current business models and markets to define itself. Innovators may hail the mantra “Fail fast, fail often,” but failing without learning the lessons is useless! Innovation and KM hardly ever collaborate in large organizations, as they typically belong to different departments: KM is often somewhere under HR or support services, while innovation is most often under strategy or operations. This means that leaders most probably report to different VPs. Still, both innovation and KM are all about breaking the organizational silos and have functionally diverse teams collaborating. This workshop explores the relationship between innovation and KM from both our consulting and management point of views. It covers the following:

    • Content: Which type of knowledge is fueling innovation?
    • Organization: How do we get Innovation & KM practitioners to collaborate?
    • Culture/People: What are the mindsets of KM practitioners and innovators, and how do we bridge these?
    • Process: How can innovation management and KM processes feed each other?
    • Technology: How can software enable KM-driven innovation?

    Be ready to gain lots of insights and ideas!

    Kim Glover, Director, TechnipFMC
  • Christian De Neef, Founder & Co-Owner, FastTrack
  • W17: Keys to Cross-Generational Conversations [Canceled]
  • W18: Search Managers Boot Camp
  • Congratulations! You’ve just been given the responsibility for search at your organization! Perhaps there is a new initiative to improve search, or perhaps the previous search manager mysteriously disappeared. In any case, you’ve discovered that search is a deceptively tricky domain, and that the expectations of many of your stakeholders are difficult to meet or even to define. This workshop provides an orientation and exposure to the key issues, effective processes, and technology—independent of what brand of search engine you use. It provides lay-of-the-land information and approaches to get you off to a good start. Topics include getting started and where to find practical guidance in search management; kinds of tasks and roles involved in managing search; building a cross-functional team; assessing the current state of search; establishing a vision and creating a findability strategy; getting stakeholders together and constructively involved; discovering and managing expectations; top misconceptions about search and how to educate your organization; top five and next five tools and techniques for improving search; updates and improvements; and measuring search: KPIs, tools, and techniques for internal search engine optimization. If you have been in the search manager’s role for a while but feel like you are missing a grounding in successful practices and management techniques, this workshop is still useful.

    Agnes Molnar, Managing Consultant, Search Explained
  • W19: Information Architecture: Structuring & Organizing Awesome Intranets
  • If your users can’t find what they need on your intranet, your information architecture (IA) probably needs some work! Join our experienced practitioner and learn tips and best practices to improve findability, information organization, and the basic concepts of information architecture. Hanley covers the critical aspects of intranet IA: navigation/site architecture, page design architecture, and metadata architecture. Get approaches for planning navigation across the entire intranet and on individual sites, along with tips and best practices for using mega-menus and organizing hub sites. Grab lessons about the best place to focus your IA energy so that you can build an intranet that is an essential part of your digital workplace today and as your organization evolves over time.

    Rebecca Rodgers, Principal Consultant Digital Workplace & Community Manager, Step Two
  • W20: Preparing for ISO 9001 KM Standards
  • The International Standards Organization (ISO) has just published a new set of Knowledge Management Standards. Are you ready? The new standards contain requirements and guidelines for all aspects of the KM program, e.g., establishing, implementing, maintaining, reviewing, and improving an effective management system for knowledge management in organizations. As is the case for all ISO standards, this set of standards can be applied to any organization seeking ISO certification, regardless of its type or size, or the products and services it provides. This workshop covers understanding the ISO standards and how to translate the standards into requirements for your organization; examining how an auditor evaluates a program against a standard; identifying ways to prepare for an ISO KM audit; and looking at examples of KM initiatives or tactics that should satisfy an ISO KM audit. This practical, hands-on, half-day workshop focuses on what participants are already doing in their organizations to meet the standard and how to present these efforts to an auditor. Get a laminated handout of the standards by category and explore in small groups how your organization can meet the standard and the ROI expected for achieving the standards. Get ahead of the crowd by learning about the ISO KM standards and how they relate to your program.

    Michael Prevou, Deputy CKO, U.S. Army Training & Doctrine Command (TRADOC)
  • Patricia Eng, Certified ISO 30401 KM Auditor, Trainer, Speaker, Author, KMHR Systems Auditors
  • W21: Data Visualization
  • Data visualization tools are helpful for those who either a) think visually, b) want to present data to people in more innovative ways, or c) think more creatively. Mind maps have been used for decades in corporate America as well as by writers, attorneys, and educators. Mind maps and other related tools are especially helpful in laying out and organizing unstructured data. This hands-on workshop provides a short look at data visualization theory, concepts, and terminology; a discussion differentiating the tools; and working with three different data visualization tools that are absolutely free. The three different tools provide a myriad of ways to lay out unstructured data in innovative ways. Despite the fact that these tools are free, they are surprisingly powerful and flexible. Bring your device so the group can participate in solving problems using these tools.

    Ron Arons, President, LegalDataViz
  • W22: Change Management: Tools & Techniques
  • Creating value from KM initiatives depends entirely on user adoption by changing behaviors and beliefs. Learning and knowledge initiatives benefit from change management efforts using the transformation road maps common to IT implementations. But real knowledge sharing requires cultural changes that can only be catalyzed through entrepreneurial engagement at all levels of the organization. Any change effort is delicate, and KM programs are especially vulnerable because knowledge sharing can only be voluntary. A design-thinking approach can tap into the initiative and innovation latent in every employee. This workshop combines both the coordinating and catalyzing perspectives with real-world experience and advice. Learn the basic components of any successful change program; practice assessing and addressing challenges and opportunities in your organization; and tap into the latest thinking in organizational change. Come prepared to discuss your own unique situations and learn from your peers in facilitated, interactive discussions and exercises.

    Gordon Vala-Webb, CEO, Vala-Webb Consulting Inc.
5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
  • Grand Opening Reception in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
  • Continental Breakfast
8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
  • Welcome & Keynote - Knowledge Management in the Age of Smart Machines
  • Our experienced speakers cut through the hype and share how new technologies like AI can be used for business benefit and competitive advantage. This facilitated panel discussion describes what technologies are available and how companies can use them. It explains how businesses can put artificial intelligence to work now, in the real world. AI will improve products and processes and make decisions better-informed/important but largely invisible tasks. AI technologies won't replace human workers but augment their capabilities, with smart machines working alongside smart people. AI can automate structured and repetitive work, provide extensive analysis of data through machine learning (“analytics on steroids”), and engage with customers and employees via chatbots and intelligent agents. Get insights and ideas on how to experiment with these technologies, consider the ethics of these technologies,  and use them to revitalize knowledge management in your organization.

    Euan Semple, Director, Conference Chair, & Author, Euan Semple Ltd
  • Tony Rhem, CEO/Principal Consultant, A. J. Rhem & Associates
  • Phaedra Boinodiris, Principal Consultant Trustworthy AI, IBM
9:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
  • Keynote - Delivering Killer App Taxonomy Experience in SharePoint Office 365
  • For years Synaptica has advised our clients that there are just some things they can’t do with their taxonomies once they migrate them to the SharePoint Term Store. Restrictions within SharePoint prevent much of the richness of thesauri and non-hierarchical relationships from being expressed. Finally, a breakthrough solution has been developed through a joint venture effort between Synaptica and Search Explained. Clarke and Molnar briefly review the common pain points experienced in SharePoint taxonomy implementations, before demonstrating innovative new user experiences that transcend these pain points to deliver a taxonomy-rich search, browse and tagging experience within SharePoint.

    Dave Clarke, EVP, Semantic Graph Technology, Synaptica, part of Squirro AG, UK
  • Agnes Molnar, Managing Consultant, Search Explained
9:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
  • Keynote - Building the Knowledgeable Application with AI
  • Few organizations realize that 80% of their most critical data cannot be handled by business applications because it is unstructured (contracts, emails, customer correspondence …). But the missing piece in this puzzle actually exists: natural language processing (NLP), a form of AI that extracts meaning from documents thanks to organizational and linguistic knowledge. The outcome is a genuinely knowledgeable application: one that delivers effective search and analytics, accelerates business processes, and enables professionals to focus on the highest added-value parts of their mission. Discover why leading organizations have made NLP a priority and how they are using it to build knowledgeable applications for search, analytics, and process automation.

    Christophe Aubry, CEO, Expert System
10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
  • Coffee Break in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
10:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
  • Implementing a Personalized Search Experience
  • Like many large organizations, Deloitte grapples with providing a search experience meeting the very diverse needs of users and has long sought to provide a personalized experience. Romero and Jalagam share insight on the business drivers for the firm’s personalization efforts as well as cover details on the technical approach to personalize two aspects of our search experience—relevancy logic and search suggestions. They address how they embedded machine learning in the process. Join them for valuable lessons learned and how personalization has positively impacted their users’ experience.

    Lee Romero, Senior Manager, Global Knowledge Platforms, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Limited
  • Vineeth Jalagam, Technical Specialist, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Limited
11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
  • Natural Language Understanding for the Enterprise
  • Siri and Alexa are cool, but they aren’t powerful enough for sophisticated daily enterprise uses. In this interactive session, Nelson introduces you to Saga, a Natural Language Understanding Framework— a scalable, cost-efficient framework, the next-generation solution for many business applications, from smart question/answer systems to compliance monitoring, contract analysis, and document understanding. Machine learning and knowledge graph ready, Saga is an easy-to-use NLU system for extracting valuable insights from unstructured data.

    Paul Nelson, Innovation Lead, Accenture
12:30 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.
  • Attendee Luncheon in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
1:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
  • Search Like a Pro: Mythbusting the ‘Black Box’ of Search
  • Search is often considered to be a magical “black box.” Like air or water, we don’t recognize it when it works. But complaints start as soon as we don’t get the results we expect. Concentrating on search in SharePoint and Office 365, but with general applicability, Molnar explains how search works behind the scenes. She demonstrates how content becomes searchable, how data becomes a refining filter, how data can be displayed on the user interface, how to define various “search verticals” and specific search applications, and why is it important to add good metadata on the content and empower all users to do the same. Learn mythbusting from one of the best.

    Agnes Molnar, Managing Consultant, Search Explained
2:45 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
  • Using Data & Expert Knowledge to Build Smart Enterprise Search
  • Desai and Singh share their experience of using data analytics and expert knowledge systems to build a skill-based enterprise search experience, including the role of Ingestor to fetch data from independent sources to transform into a common format (in a MySQL DB). They dive into business issues solved by combining data from various data sources into search. They explore engagement metrics and detailed data analytics for a new search UX, using machine learning to improve ranking and expert ranking systems to further improve relevancy.

    Ankit Desai, Staff Product Manager, LinkedIn
  • Abhishek Singh, Software Engineering Manager, LinkedIn
3:30 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
  • Coffee Break in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • Innovations, Insights, Implementations
  • Search is not static. You can’t “set it and forget it.” In this session, we look at successful implementations of search, starting off with Cedric Ulmer’s case study of a project in a large aerospace group. Gross and Vogt look at enterprise search in combination with chat bots and NLP, discussing risk-free approach to implementing bot applications.

    Cedric Ulmer, CEO & Co-Founder, France Labs
  • Christian Vogt, Director Services, Raytion GmbH
5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
  • Networking Happy Hour in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
  • Continental Breakfast
8:30 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.
  • Keynote - Future Trends: Insights for Knowledge Sharing in 2020+
  • Get the highlights and insights from Glimpse, the trend analysis which focuses on emergent generational and societal shifts, and learn how to respond to these changes. Understanding the global context teaches us what each person is facing with the world today and sets the emotional groundwork for every project. From this global context, Turner shares insights into how our minds have changed, how society has shifted in response, and where it is going through the eyes of generational and cultural evolution. Get ideas about what the future holds for knowledge sharing in our organizations. The eight important mega-trends that inform the world today, the disruptors are reinvention, non-linears, crowd-shared revolution, being human, data disruption, human +, a new visual-verbal culture, and human speak. Hear more and get ideas of how to prepare for this future.

    Jody Turner, Future Trend & Innovation Specialist, Culture of Future
9:15 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
  • Keynote - Pure to Pragmatic: From AI Hype to Delivering Actual ROI
  • Over the last couple of years, AI, machine learning, and deep learning have received unprecedented attention and are now reaching the top of the hype cycle. But today, despite many technology breakthroughs and success stories from early adopters, very few enterprise organizations are actually reaping the promised benefits. Sinequa is one of the few software platform vendors with customers deploying applications powered by AI models. Our journey in the field has taught us some valuable lessons, and there are some key takeaways we would like to share with you: a look at what pragmatic AI can do for you, bridging the gap between AI’s long-term potential and today’s capabilities, tips to identify the highest ROI use cases which can be addressed with AI models today, best practices to deploy these in production and start generating value. Get great insights and ideas from a KMWorld magazine award-winner and industry leader.

    Scott Parker, Director of Product Marketing, Sinequa
9:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
  • Keynote - Demands for Data: Governance, Risk, Compliance, Analytics & Value
  • Knowledge graphs built on top of semantic technologies, supported by machine learning technologies, can become a paradigm change in how we deal with metadata management. Keeping track of what is going on in your data is the crucial momentum. Active metadata is a key element to achieve this. Traditional approaches do not work anymore—they are not adaptive, cross-application, and do not provide the semantic richness creating additional value from your data. You need a knowledge graph to specify your business rules and semantics. It is the bases for data enrichment, lineage, and impact analysis. Working in complex deployments requires metadata exchange in a unified, standardized way. Knowledge graphs provide better user experience and allow to fulfill specific workflow, security, and privacy requirements. Based on real business examples, our speakers illustrate how active metadata management works and provides more value to your data and, by that, your corporation.

    Helmut Nagy, CPO, Semantic Web Company GmbH
  • Sebastian Gabler, Chief Customer Officer, Semantic Web Company
9:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
  • Keynote - Knowledge Management in the Age of AI
  • Artificial intelligence, cognitive technologies, and related tools have the ability to fundamentally reshape knowledge management. As always with groundbreaking technologies and management systems, there is a mixture of some successes, lots of hype, and an emerging body of knowledge of how and where to deploy AI/cognitive for both quick wins and long-term transformational impact. Namir provides an overview of this rapidly transforming landscape and discusses how organizations can accelerate their AI investments to derive maximum value.

    Ido Namir, Global Knowledge Management Center of Excellence Leader, Deloitte
10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
  • Coffee Break in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
10:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
  • Fix or Replace: When Good Search Platforms Go Bad
  • A common lament is that the search just doesn’t live up to user expectations set by Google and Amazon. Often, the real question should be, “Is the problem the search technology or our implementation?” If management has already decided that fixing search means replacing the search platform, it is not uncommon to discover that the replacement technology delivers the same flawed search—because the problem is actually poor data, poor search implementation, or flawed expectations. Kehoe addresses symptoms of badly implemented search, how to determine if fixing search is the best solution, or if the technology in use just isn’t a good fit for your enterprise environment.

    Miles Kehoe, Founder & President, New Idea Engineering
11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
  • The Quest for Useful Relevancy Metrics
  • Join EY’s Theresa Simek as she walks us through EY’s experiences tackling relevancy measurement and tuning. The conversation features lessons learned and best practice guidance on the comparison of qualitative and quantitative approaches, current approaches to relevancy measurement and tuning, and approaches to metrics-based and anecdotal reporting.

    Theresa A Simek, Discover Search Product Manager, EY
12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
  • Attendee Luncheon in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
1:30 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.
  • Configuring Recommendations for Personalized Search
  • Recommender systems, colloquially RecSys, are a subclass of information filtering systems that seek to predict the rating or preference a user would give to an item. This presentation describes how Sandia Labs configured personalized search in days, not weeks, months, or even years. Pryor and Cooper review the configuration process from data gathering and model building to the query configuration used to return personalized results to enterprise search customers. They also look at training aspects, collaborative filtering, co-clustering, and predictive analytics.

    Barbie E. Keiser, President, Barbie E. Keiser, Inc.
  • Clay Pryor, Computer Science, R&D, Sandia National Laboratories
  • Ryan Cooper, Student Intern, Sandia National Labs
2:30 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
  • Changing the Game: Moving From Search to Insight Engine
  • The application of AI and NLP enhances the strategic value of enterprise search. Patel illustrates the journey PwC (Pricewaterhouse- Coopers) took from building a search engine to turning it into an advanced insights engine. He discusses the AI and NLP concepts and models applied to its product. Additional models are related to disambiguation, reading comprehension, business entity recognition and NLP query parsers. Learn about game changers for enterprise search and discovery.

    Barbie E. Keiser, President, Barbie E. Keiser, Inc.
  • Viren Patel, Director, Enterprise Search & AI, PwC
3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
  • Coffee Break in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • What’s Ahead for Search?
  • The next few years will see an evolution of familiar technologies as they adapt to AI components and increased expectations. We’ve invited panelists who are in the thick of developing some of this new generation of technology to discuss what’s coming in the context of why we need these improvements. More flexible tools, better, more interactive search and information exploration will rely on these advances. No predictions of the future are guaranteed to come true. But even without guarantees, this panel discussion will prime you to be a more demanding technology consumer.

    Susan E. Feldman, President, Synthexis
  • Miles Kehoe, Founder & President, New Idea Engineering
  • Paul Nelson, Innovation Lead, Accenture
  • Tom Wilde, CEO, Indico Data
Thursday, November 7, 2019
8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
  • Continental Breakfast
8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
  • Keynote - Knowledge-Sharing Culture to Support Organizational Success
  • In the age of new and useful technologies rushing to take their place in our organizations, 80% of respondents to a recent global culture survey say their organization’s culture must evolve in the next 5 years for their company to succeed, grow, and retain the best people. Yes, it’s all about the people in any organization. Technology can certainly support, speed, and spark knowledge sharing, innovation and success, but culture is implicit rather than explicit, emotional rather than rational—that’s what makes it so hard to work with, but that’s also what makes it so powerful! Anderson shares secrets from her recent book, a practical guide to working with culture and tapping into a source of catalytic change within your organization. Since every organization’s culture is intimate and personal, aligning culture always involves getting to the heart of difficult matters, unearthing the “family secrets” of a company—the emotional histories that lie under the surface of the story the company tells about itself to the outside world. Get lots of insights and tips to use in your organization to build a knowledge-sharing culture which supports success!

    Gretchen Anderson, Director, PwC Strategy&
9:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
  • Keynote - Bringing a Consumer-Like Experience to the Digital Workplace
  • Creating a consumer-like, personalized experience for the daily work of finding information people need to do their jobs is the crux of efficient knowledge sharing. These uniquely personal experiences facilitate the flow of organizational operations and more intelligent decision-making. Professionals at companies like Red Hat, Reddit, and PwC rely on this type of platform to quickly find answers and proactively suggest insights. Learn how they approached their challenges and the solutions they found to empower employees to be more productive and help their organizations to attract and retain the best talent.

    Diane Burley, VP Content, Lucidworks
9:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
  • Keynote - Top 5 Lessons Learned in Enriching Enterprise Search
  • Our speaker shares best practices for and lessons learned from implementing and enriching enterprise search solutions.

    Megan DeSomery, Director, Product Management, EPAM Systems
10:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.
  • Coffee Break
10:15 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
  • Unifying Content & Creating Efficient Enterprise Search
  • The Chelan Public Utility District (PUD) relies on technology innovations that provide value to its customer owners. Improving internal search capabilities and functionalities would allow employees to find operations and asset management information more easily and make them more efficient when searching for important information (i.e., reducing the amount of systems they needed to search and not having to reinvent the wheel if they could not find what they were looking for). A collaboration between Chelan PUD and Accenture’s Search and Content Analytics Group brought together multiple content repositories to create a single search interface in SharePoint for all data and content.

    Todd Walsh, Technology Development Project Manager, Chelan County Public Utility District
  • Zane Mumford, Consultant, Accenture
11:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
  • Focus on Emerging Technologies
  • Innovations in search technology define the future of search. Hear three executives talk about what they’ve been doing to enhance the search experience. It’s not your father’s enterprise search and discovery, that’s for sure.

    Bryan Reynolds, CEO, Docxonomy
  • Greg Meurer, Senior Product Manager, Iron Mountain
  • Benedict Bleimschein, COO and VP, Customer Success, Mindbreeze
12:15 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.
  • Keynote Lucheon - The 3 Pillars of AI & Their Impact on KM
  • The Internet of Things, computer vision, and document understanding are all becoming critical drivers of enterprise evolution. These are the “3 Pillars of AI” and they are having a real, practical impact on the world of KM. Khan, who leads Accenture's Search & Content Analytics Group, briefly explains these pillars, delving into document understanding and explaining how it is drastically changing the search and KM landscape. Citing a real-world example, he discusses how search and analytics are being combined with AI technologies like machine learning and natural language processing to help make it possible for a global enterprise to extract valuable insights from their untapped, unstructured data sources, improving operations and maintaining a competitive advantage.

    Kamran Khan, Managing Director, Accenture
12:30 p.m. - 12:45 p.m.
  • KMWorld & Intranet Awards
  • KMWorld magazine is proud to sponsor the 2019 KMWorld Awards, KM Promise & KM Reality, which are designed to celebrate the success stories of knowledge management. The awards will be presented along with Step Two’s Intranet & Digital Awards, where you get a sneak peek behind the firewall of these organizations.

    Rebecca Rodgers, Principal Consultant Digital Workplace & Community Manager, Step Two
1:00 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.
  • From Intranets to Digital Employee Experience
  • Every organization is on a digital journey, with the aim of streamlining the business and better supporting staff. Some firms are well-progressed, with a modern suite of tools available to all, while others are just at the start. This session explores the journey from today into a future vision as well as intranets, digital workplaces and ultimately, digital employee experience. Find out where you are on this journey, and plan your next steps with confidence.

    Rebecca Rodgers, Principal Consultant Digital Workplace & Community Manager, Step Two
2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
  • Knowledge Graphs Creating a Connected Search Experience
  • Knowledge graphs are changing the way that search is implemented. Organizations such as Google and Microsoft rely on knowledge graphs to improve the search experience in products such as Google Search, SharePoint Online, and LinkedIn. Hilger explains how these ideas can be applied to your enterprise search solution. Polikoff delves into NoSQL technologies, such as graph data models, that are becoming a popular approach for information management due to their flexibility. Knowledge graphs have semantic and intelligent qualities to make them “smart.” Learn what a knowledge graph is, how it is implemented, and how it can be used to enhance enterprise search.

    Joseph Hilger, COO, Enterprise Knowledge, LLC
  • Daniel Mekonnen, Sr. Semantic Solutions Architect, TopQuadrant
3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
  • Virtual Agents & Document Intelligence
  • Technologies such as virtual agents and text analytics improve how we share and use knowledge. Pugh and Serkes bring scale and speed to thorny, fragmented knowledge-based operations. Using case studies, Pugh and Serkes consider AI for search and document intelligence. They describe how machine learning, text analytics and ongoing information governance allow employees to quickly extract/abstract from thousands of contracts and other documents, and quickly pinpoint liability and privacy risks in the language. They share three case studies, with lessons learned that affect the future of AI in the enterprise.

    Katrina B Pugh, Lecturer & President, Columbia University & AlignConsulting
  • Sandy Serkes, Guest Faculty, Columbia University and Valora Technologies
4:00 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
  • Keynote - Knowledge Sharing in a New Tech Future
  • The possibilities are endless but what can we really expect in 2020? Our experience speaker, who wrote the book SharePoint 2013 Consultant’s Handbook, coached people on metadata and taxonomies as well apps for Office 365, and more, shares the most recent developments and promises for the coming years.

    Chris McNulty, Senior Product Manager, Microsoft
4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • Closing Keynote Panel - 2020 & Beyond: Creating Resilience in Organizations & Society
  • We live in a world which promises infinite choice, but are we more trapped in the patterns of past practice than we care to think? Is the hierarchical or matrixed organization fit for purpose in a world of increased uncertainty and volatility? Governments have increasing legitimate demands on their resources from citizens and the wider needs of the planet, but few resources to deal with it. Ideology and belief seem at times to triumph over fact, evidence, and reason. Have we gone beyond even post-modernism into a new world with constantly shifting paradigms and increasingly less time to adjust to them? Our panel looks at these questions from the perspectives of knowledge and complexity. They discuss transforming and revolutionizing the way we do business as we move into an uncertain future, how we satisfy our clients in an ever-changing technological age, and how, in our complex societies, we provide value, exchange knowledge, innovate, grow and support our world. Our panel of experienced thinkers and doers shares their insights about what we should be doing to further develop a sustainable ecosystem in our organizations, communities, and world.

    Patrick Lambe, Principal Consultant, Straits Knowledge
  • Dave Snowden, Founder & Chief Scientist, The Cynefin Company
  • Tom Stewart, Executive Director, The Ohio State University
  • Alicia Juarrero, Founder and President, VectorAnalytica, Inc.

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