Length: 45 Minutes
Patrick Lambe, Principal Consultant,Straits Knowledge Susann Roth, Chief of Knowledge Management,Asian Development Bank (ADB) Irena Zadonsky, Director, Data & Analytics Architecture,Amtrak Dave Clarke, EVP, Semantic Graph Technology,Synaptica - a Squirro Company, UK
Description: This keynote panel looks at the connections between the conference streams of knowledge management, taxonomy work, text analytics, and search. When it comes to implementation, there needs to be an understanding of what each discipline contributes. What is their common ground? How can and should they be orchestrated? Taxonomy work is founded on a suite of methodologies, frameworks, standards, and technologies to organize information for general access and use. Search tools need to reflect how taxonomies and controlled vocabularies can make search smarter. There has been an increasing convergence between taxonomy, search, and data science expressed in the subdisciplines of data analytics, text analytics, machine learning and AI. KM sets the strategic purpose as well as technology implementations using taxonomies, search, and text analytics tools. It identifies and characterizes the contexts of information use so that KM initiatives and technologies can serve practical needs. These three strands do not always interact well. Knowledge organization systems can be be too complex and impractical and are often implemented in ignorance of basic information science principles and technology. AI/machine learning applications are often implemented without rigorous conceptual underpinnings and may not easily scale across multiple working contexts. Hear how information science can combine insights from KM when the KM understanding is not present and from data science to develop more effective, more sustainable knowledge organization architectures.