MAY 21-22, 2013
New York, NY
New York Hilton Midtown
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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
Continental Breakfast in the Enterprise Search Showcase
9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Some Things Do Not Get Better With Age
Ed Dale, Emerging Technology Associate Director, EY Knowledge, EY

A few unmonitored years can make a huge difference in search relevance. A project in 2009 to tune the E&Y search engine—using measures of precision, recall, and mean reciprocal relevance—was revisited 3 years later. In the intervening time, precision decreased, as did the mean reciprocal rank measures. That’s what happens when you ignore relevancy over time. This presentation clearly demonstrates that search is not a “fire and forget” project and provides some specific tips so you can avoid this situation at your workplace.

9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Strategizing Your Way to Success
Martin White, Managing Director, Intranet Focus Ltd, UK

Surprisingly few organizations have a written enterprise search strategy to guide them through future changes, although we know how fast search is evolving. Based on his extensive experience with many different types of enterprises, Martin White highlights the issues that should be high on your priority list, since you want to make the best use of your search investment and bullet-proof your planning for any major enhancements. He covers industry consolidation, new search applications, open source, and the necessity of providing high-quality mobile search of enterprise resources.

10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Blurring the Lines Between Search and Business Intelligence
Stephen E. Arnold, Managing Director,

We are starting to see a slow convergence of business intelligence and enterprise search in the world of corporate IT. One catalyst is Big Data, but the continued focus on unstructured data remains a powerful force. Analyst and industry observer Stephen Arnold gives us his views on where enterprise search and business intelligence intersect, how the lines are being blurred, and how the information discovery elements of both can further the goals of the organization.

10:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Coffee Break in the Enterprise Search Showcase
11:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
A201: Market Insight— Search Strategies for the Large Enterprise

In order to effectively leverage search in today's immense global enterprises, it must scale to millions and billions of text and data items residing in hundreds and thousands of repositories. Whether through robust commercial software tools or new open source alternatives, search must meet the demands of an anywhere/anything/anytime new world.

More than Distributed Processing--Search Strategies for the Large Enterprise
John-Henry Gross, Product and Marketing Manager, Search Technologies

Successful large scale enterprise search is more than picking the right search engine and distributed processing architecture. Careful analysis of technical situation, organizational objectives and business drivers along with content is required. Analysis process and customer example discussed.

Content Integration in Search--A Journey
Christian Gross, Search Manager, Raytion GmbH

Content is key for any search project. The question of which documents and how they are synchronized from the various source systems to your search engine seems to be easily answered at first glance. However, in practice you have to negotiate with several different teams apart from the technical specification which often gives rise to delays, technical debt and project risks. This talk addresses decision makers as well as project leads of enterprise search projects.

B201: Big Search and Big Data War Stories
Eric Pugh, Co-Founder, OpenSource Connections
Tim Mohler, VP Professional Services, Lexalytics

What to do when you’ve got billions of documents to search? How do you think at Big Data scale? And, by the way, what exactly do we mean when we say “Big Data”? Both Pugh and Mohler have war stories to tell. Pugh explains the underlying principles of Big Data (Bring the code to the data, not the data to the code) and how to apply them in the real world, while Mohler talks about the ins and outs of getting content into your search system. This lively session also invites war stories from attendees.

12:00 p.m. - 12:45 p.m.
A202: Finding Experts and Product Information
Kas Kasravi, HP Fellow, Hewlett Packard (HP)
Marie Risov, Text Analytics Technology Consultant, Hewlett Packard (HP)
Jeff Fried, Director, Platform Strategy & Innovation, InterSystems

Two case studies are presented in this session. From Hewlett-Packard we have expert findings, which can be both a problem and an opportunity. Everyone from sales teams to project managers to human resources to frontline problem solvers benefit from a versatile engine that taps into a search engine that will rapidly identify expert knowledge. Fried shows several successful systems that use social behavior to provide strong cues to expertise finding. Applications in recruiting, collaboration, and team creation are highlighted.

B202: Market Insight—Leveraging Big Data For The Enterprise

Big data poses big problems and demands big answers: How do you scale your search mechanism to sift through billions of bits, index them and then and retrieve large result sets in a matter of milliseconds? Hadoop can store terabytes of data, and Lucene/Solr can help with the search tasks, but how do you create the best applications and make the results immediately available to multiple search clients? This session looks at common use cases for generating search indexes from big data, typical patterns for the data processing workflow and how to make it all work reliably at scale.

Big Data - Y U So Mean? Q-Sensei helps tackle Big Data in a week!
Ute Rother, CEO, Q-Sensei Corp.

As our ability to capture data increases, our appetite to consume data also increases. This produces rising demand for lean and agile solutions that provide fast and flexible access to data. Q-Sensei unveils a preview of its new integrated solution to organize, search and discover Big Data.

Unlocking the Potential of Enterprise Search
Jeff Dupree, Content Migration and Enterprise Search Sr. Sales Executive, Kapow Software

Kapow Software will present case studies on how they were able to help several global enterprises provide a seamless and consistent user search experience by mapping legacy and user-generated, unstructured data across multiple knowledgebases to a standard taxonomy and controlled vocabulary for improved search results.

12:45 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Attendee Lunch and a Last Chance to Visit the Enterprise Search Showcase
2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
A203: Findability, Not Searchability
April A. Lewis, Collaboration and Ideation Officer, Nuclear Science and Engineering Directorate, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Shawn Shell, Executive Advisor, Avanade

How to optimize findability in collaborative information stores was the issue facing Oak Ridge National Lab. A critical assessment of the SharePoint environment, including analysis of emails, personal interviews, weblogs, and web-based user surveys identified findability problems so they could be solved. Consultants at Consejo believe that search is not the answer. Finding is the solution. Novel and compelling uses of search boost findability, with practical implementations ranging from Google to SharePoint/FAST to FunnelBack.

B203: Refining Search in Large Companies
Barbara Peters, Content Retrieval Senior Manager, Information and Library Services, Business Technologies, Pfizer
Leslie Connors, Solution Delivery Manager, Enterprise Content/Collaboration, Pfizer
Jiwanjot Kaur Tulsi, Chief Architect IES Systems, Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems
Dedra A. Bonner, Systems Engineer, C4ISRT Networked Systems, Northrop Grumman

Large companies, such as Pfizer and Northrop Grumman, have correspondingly large repositories of content. At Pfizer, the challenges of separate search portals and multiple repositories was addressed by combining intranet search with specific business line search portals. Faced with a diversity of information collection platforms and growing volumes of data, including that from social media, Northrop Grumman developed some open technology development (OTD) projects that necessitated decisions about governance as well as technology.

3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
A204: SharePoint 2013
Jill Hannemann, Workplace Experience Advisory, Avanade
Harry Jones, Arcovis

Will SharePoint 2013 change the search world? It certainly represents an extensive investment by Microsoft and offers many improvements. Hannemann and Jones present their views on what SharePoint 2013 offers, what its best features are, how its ediscovery works, and where its weaknesses are. Your views are important to this discussion, which is open to audience participation.

B204: Search Innovations: Organic and Cloud
Jignesh Patel, Innovation Program Leader, The Vanguard Group
Boris Minkovich, Innovation Technology Researcher, The Vanguard Group
Roberto Masiero, VP, ADP Innovation Lab, ADP (Automatic Data Processing)

Innovation is alive and well in the search world. It’s a knee-jerk reaction to blame search when people don’t find what they want. They may also try to game the system by adding extra metadata, weighting, or content promotion. The Vanguard researchers outline a series of opportunities that can help improve organic search. ADP turned to semantic search in the cloud when it needed to search across a vast set of data.

4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.
ENDNOTE: Platform Versus Apps: Which to Choose?
Susan E. Feldman, President, Synthexis

Balancing the need for less IT complexity, cost, quick development time, standardization, and user satisfaction is a tightrope walk. In this final session, a panel of technology buyers and vendors argue for which to choose—the all-encompassing platform or a set of purpose-built applications to fill the need for ediscovery, publishing, marketing, site search, or business intelligence. The audience is invited to join the discussion.


Daniel Tunkelang, LinkedIn