View the Enterprise Search & Discovery 2019 Final Program PDF
Thursday, November 8: 8:45 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Organizations can use game design techniques to fully engage customers, partners, and employees. When it is well-implemented, gamification can transform a work culture by cultivating deep emotional connections, high levels of active participation, and long-term relationships that drive knowledge-sharing, learning and business value. Enterprises can utilize strategy games, simulation games, and role-playing games as a means to teach, drive operational efficiencies, and innovate. Find out how organizations have embraced social collaboration using playful design to reap tremendous value; grab tips and tools to build a learning culture; and learn how to engage your community!
Phaedra Boinodiris, Global Leader for Responsible AI, IBM Consulting and Author, AI for the Rest of Us
Thursday, November 8: 9:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
Semantic enhanced artificial intelligence is based on the fusion of semantic technologies and machine learning. Our leader in the field discusses six core aspects of semantic-enhanced AI and why semantics should be a fundamental element of any AI strategy. He looks into concrete examples, and shares how to increase precision of machine learning tasks by semantic enrichment. Semantic AI is the next-generation artificial intelligence. Understand how machine learning (ML) can help to extend knowledge graphs, and in return, how knowledge graphs can help to improve ML algorithms. This integrated approach ultimately leads to systems that work like self-optimizing machines after an initial setup phase, while being transparent to the underlying knowledge models.
Andreas Blumauer, Founder & CEO, Semantic Web Company Inc.
Thursday, November 8: 9:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Answers are the key exchange between customer and provider in support, service, and sales, yet that intersection is wrought with friction when information isn’t readily available, context is unknown, and time is of the essence. AI-driven technologies such as natural language processing, machine learning, and text analytics can help reduce the friction and create more satisfying experiences for both customer and vendor, across any touchpoint, ensuring the most precise answer is delivered every time. Johnson explores how and shares real-world outcomes from Fortune 1000 companies.
Gerard Dwan, Director of Customer Engagement, Attivio
Thursday, November 8: 10:15 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Two case studies, one from Medtronic and the other from Intel, present concrete examples of how knowledge is discovered within companies. Medtronic has a Findability Program, which provides a living, breathing experience to help employees search and find resources and connect with internal experts. Intel created an enterprise information model to describe and define its core information assets.
Nathan Ahlstrom, Senior Principal IT Technologist, Medtronic, Inc.
Mary Maida, Knowledge Solutions Consultant, Medtronic
Bram Wessel, Principal, Factor and Board Member, Information Architecture Institute
Melinda Geist, Digital Operations Manager, Sales and Marketing, Intel
Thursday, November 8: 11:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
We’ve all heard it: Search sucks. But it doesn’t need to. The Microsoft Services KM team took a new look at everything it’s doing and build a road map that includes a new UX, Azure cognitive search, and virtual user profiles. They even took some time to see what their users really wanted. The result, they hope, is that the expansion of search capabilities and incorporation of machine learning will meet the primary business requirement of improving search for a very diverse audience.
Jim Wickham, Architect, Microsoft Services, Microsoft
Thursday, November 8: 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
AI is on the highest rung of the IT agenda. But how does it support professionals’ needs for insights in decision- making? Mayer looks at text analytics, the particular strand of AI that deals with language, the essential vehicle for professional knowledge. Through examples of its impact in insurance, media and the sciences, he illustrates “the art of the possible” and how you can make AI part of your knowledge practice’s roadmap.
Daniel Mayer, CMO, Expert System Enterprise
Thursday, November 8: 1:00 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.
To create “smarter search” in today’s search engines, it’s imperative to understand what our users are looking for, the kinds of questions that interested them in the past, previous attempts to satisfy the search question, and what others felt were successful answers. An 80% relevance gain can be found in a combination of collaborative filtering recommender systems wired through your search engine and simple supervised machine learning for query intent classification.
Andy Liu, Senior Data Engineer, Lucidworks
Thursday, November 8: 2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Technology creates enormous opportunities for search, but it also raises issues about security, privacy, and ethics. Join our exciting panel discussion about the issues most relevant to today’s enterprise search and discovery environment.
Susan E. Feldman, President, Synthexis and Cognitive Computing Consortium
Eric Smith, Chief Technologist & Information Security Officer, FireOak Strategies, LLC
Thursday, November 8: 3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Most organizations have massive quantities of valuable information locked in both structured and unstructured content. Queue the data lake, which allows organizations to acquire, store, and analyze disparate content from across the enterprise. Data lakes comprise data acquisition, storage, and analytical tools to allow organizations to break down information silos to generate insights from a diverse set of content. Nelson discusses the challenges and potential of handling massive quantities of diverse content in a data lake while exploring current customer examples of data lakes.
Paul Nelson, Innovation Lead, Accenture
Thursday, November 8: 4:00 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
The intersection of knowledge sharing and new ways of learning and training is having an impact on how connected your employees feel to your organization at large. Moneypenny demonstrates how using video, social networks, and content collaboration together empowers knowledge practitioners and experts and people across the organization to engage with each other. Foster a culture of curiosity and share learning and best practices, while improving employee experience.
Naomi Moneypenny, Director, Product Development, Microsoft Viva, Microsoft
Thursday, November 8: 4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
What are the chances of three thought leaders meeting in the same room, at the same terminal, in the same airport, in the same city by coincidence? Hear their story and many more as they discuss the impact of social media, organizational culture, machine learning, demographics and more!
Dave Snowden, Founder & Chief Scientist, The Cynefin Company
Tom Stewart, Executive Director, National Center for the Middle Market, Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University
Leif Edvinsson, World's First Professor Emeritus on Intellectual Capital, Lund University and Hong Kong Polytechnic University and formerly with Skandia & Author, Intellectual Capital: Realizing Your Company’s True Value by Finding Its Hidden Brainpower